Innovative humic fertilizer GUMOGEL
We present a new type of highly efficient humic fertilizer –
Soil fertility regulator GUMOGEL
It is an innovative agrochemical produced from peat with a high degree of decomposition.
GUMOGEL is an effective organic soil fertility regulator. By activating humic acids, it improves the work of soil microorganisms, which stimulates the active development and growth of plants.
The role of humic acids in soil fertilization
The most important indicator of soil fertility is the amount of organic substances it contains, called humus. Humic and fulvic acids and their compounds are considered the most valuable and biologically active. They stimulate an increased metabolism in the root systems of plants and the development of soil microorganisms, that increase the soil aeration and contribute to the restoration of humus.
Lack of humus in the soil negatively affects the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers. Humic fertilizers, timely applied to the soil, significantly increase crop yields, improve the soil structure, and have a long-lasting positive effect on plants and microorganisms biocenosis. Humic fertilizers effectively relieve stress on plants caused by the lack of organic matter.
Humic fertilizers neutralise the soil, accelerate seed germination, increase the yield of crops grown from them and strengthen their immunity. In addition, the combination of humates with mineral fertilizers turns hard-to-reach plants in easily assimilable (chelated) forms and reduces their consumption.
We decided to use these important advantages of humic fertilizers to develop and produce an innovative highly effective soil fertility regulator, called GUMOGEL.
Main characteristics of the fertility regulator GUMOGEL
The main effect of the GUMOGEL is acceleration of seed germination, its anti-stress effect under adverse weather conditions, growth stimulation during all vegetation stages, delivery of microelements in chelated form, decrease of mineral fertilizers and plant protection means consumption during crop processing.
The cost of GUMOGEL
More about organic fertilizers
To restore the fertility of depleted and deserted soils, we produce peat pellets with the addition of highly effective humic substances and additional microelements
For questions about purchasing fertilizer, please contact